Celebrate Valentine's Day with Simantov in Tel Aviv!

Great news! This year Simantov is invited as a special guest to celebrate…

Want to meet your soulmate? Try the European Maccabi Games!

As you already know, Simantov is teaming up with the European Maccabi Games…

Is sjadchenen nog van deze tijd?

José Weber werkt nu zo’n 30 jaar vanuit zijn kantoor in Frankfurt als sjadchan…

Am Tisch mit José Weber, «Jüdischer Heiratsvermittler»

Er stiftet Ehen. Der Frankfurter ist Deutschlands einziger jüdischer…

Cupido col Maghen David (ai tempi del web)

Come imbandire l’incontro con una possibile anima gemella a seconda che si…

Conoscersi e sposarsi: Simantov ti aiuta a trovare l'anima gemella

Conoscersi e sposarci: Simantov ti aiuta a trovare l'anima gemella. È…

Volunteer at the European Maccabi Games 2015 in Berlin... and meet your soulmate!

Big news! Simantov is partnering with the European Maccabi Games to bring fun…

“Audiatur et altera pars”. Уж замуж невтерпеж!

К сожалению, в сегодняшнем разобщенном мире мы так зацикливаемся на…

Sending you our best wishes on Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is one of the most important days of the Jewish calendar. On this…

Partnerschaft und Liebe

SWITZERLAND, Jüdisches Museum Schweiz | Liebesbeziehungen und Freundschaft…