Simantov is pleased to announce another collaborative partnership with the Jewish community. We are predominately a matchmaking company making introductions happen for single busy professionals who are inevitably looking for long-lasting love in the Jewish community. Our singles are time-poor professionals who want to be pro-actively dating the right type of person for them. Singles events have never been something that we delve into too much as we deal with clients one-on-one but with the right person and company, with the same synergy in purpose for bringing singles together we certainly collaborate and celebrate any way to make love happen. With that said, we’ve found another match for us –  Jewish Mingles in the USA. The founder of Jewish Mingles Steve tells us his story, sharing his ‚why‘ for creating such a wonderful fulfilled get togethers for Jewish singles.

„Five years ago, I started a web based meetup group in the suburban Detroit area for Jewish singles in their 40s to 50s. This age group seemed unsupported and even neglected by Jewish organizations who preferred the younger crowd to instill a Jewish identity and the older to tap into their legacy. Someone had to take the lead and given my contrarian and philanthropic personality, and of course single myself, I was only happy to open the door for this sector.

Jewish Mingles quickly became a great way to get out of the house and share time with new friends. Whether I wanted to go window shopping in the mall or fine dine all dressed up, I had wonderful company as did the others. It expanded to Facebook and with custom flyers. Some fell in love and even got married after meeting in our group. But when I met someone or had other commitments, the group became stagnant and quiet.  It was like going to the cleaners and seeing a posted door sign „Out until further notice“.

It has been a labor of love and my goal is to eventually make it autonomous – where the new members step forward and keep it going. Then I met Sarah. She is the Managing Director of Simantov-International. Simantov, like „Simantov, U’mazel tov, mazel tov, U’Simantov“ is the worlds leading matchmaking agency for successful Jewish singles.“

For more information about Jewish Mingles please email and mention Events in the subject heading. We would be glad to refer you!