Should I get my pictures taken professionally?

We live in a world where appearance is very important and anybody who has ever…

FREE ebook: The 10 Commandments of Dating

Most people dread the dating game. Especially if you’re a dating newbie or have…

How are you going to celebrate Shavuot?

As hard as it is to believe, almost seven weeks - a whole 49 days! - have…

Can you guess five qualities we look for in our matchmakers?

We bet you don’t know that many professional Jewish matchmakers.  There are not…

Jewish matchmaking success

The search for that special someone to share life with, our “beshert,” can be…

Jewish and single in 2014 – what are your options?

Are you Jewish and single? Do you feel like it’s time you had a life partner,…

Contemporary Jewish matchmaking

The origins of Jewish matchmaking have a history as long as that of the Jews…

How traditional is Jewish matchmaking in current times?

Jewish matchmaking is a very old, and for many traditionally observant Jews,…

Jewish Matchmaking vs. Jewish Dating

For those looking to find a nice Jewish husband or Jewish wife, what becomes…

How successful are Jewish matchmakers?

If success in matchmaking can be measured by the amount of time and effort you…