Finding your soulmate may be something which have desired for long and when it comes to finding your life partner with certain traits such as you are looking for him or her from a certain educational background or religious affiliation, it certainly takes more efforts and you need to narrow down your search from a broader population.

The Jewish world is big and small at the same time. Jewish people are very different regarding their background, spiritual level, ethnicity, etc. The biggest obstacle is that local communities are not too big, and people mostly know each other. At the same time they are scatter across the world and being in different parts of the world they assimilate to the local communities and speak the local language more fluently and adapt to the local customs. They still want to have Jewish families but not with people whom they know. The issue can also be too big family involvement that is beautiful by itself but can disturb decision-making. The obstacle can be the lack of flexibility in the questions regarding observance level or social diversity.

So a few challenges the Jewish people face are as follows

  • They have to choose from a small pool of available eligible people
  • Being scattered across the world the communication can be a bit difficult
  • Most Jewish people are very enterprising or could be very busy in their primes and may not be engaging very actively in social life